Middle ear effusion

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Special post to my doctor :)

I've had a blocked ear for about a week now and its been very irritating not only because I can't hear properly but because it feels unbalanced like one side of my head is underwater.

I went to see my doctor today and he had a cool gadget, a Welch Allyn digital otoscope. It's the instrument they use to look in your ear and it was hooked up to his computer. He took a couple of snaps for me and suggested I put them up on my blog.

Sorry to the rest of you that feel this is a little TMI. I couldn't refuse :).. And it is pretty cool.

Photos after the jump

Right normal ear

Left ear, filled with a little fluid.

He said it doesn't look infected so hopefully it'll go away soon.



  1. All that fluid...
    Can you hear the ocean ?

    1. If only it was that interesting :)
      But! I think It would also drive me mad.



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