Banana chocolate pecan pie

Monday, 28 May 2012

Pecan pie, my first baked good to win my hubbies tummy :). This is a recipe I've had for years but it always bothered me that the filling is just mostly maple syrup. So this time we added a layer of banana in it, which I worked out great!

PAC man pie :)


Pie crust:
200g/ 1 3/4 cups of plain flour
75ml/ 5 tbsp caster sugar
90g of unsalted butter, softened
1 egg, beaten
Finely grated rind of 1 orange

1/2 cup of golden syrup
3 tbsp of brown sugar
150g plain chocolate, chopped into small pieces
50g of butter
3 eggs, beaten
5ml/1tsp of vanilla essence
250g pecans
1 banana

This is my tweaked version of the recipe. If you plan on microwaving the butter when making the pie crust I recommend using less butter and adding it in small doses. The crust turns out a bit harder but then it doesn't take as long to knead the dough. If you've got time do it the long way, I'd do it that way.

  1. Sift flour into a bowl and stir in the sugar. Work in the butter evenly with your fingertips until combined.
  2. Beat the egg and orange rind in a bowl, then stir into the mixture to make a firm dough. Add water if the dough is too dry.
  3. Roll out pastry on a lightly floured surface and line a 20cm loose based pie tin. Chill for 30 mins.
  4. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius/ 350 degrees fahrenheit.
  5. Melt the syrup, sugar, chocolate and butter in a small saucepan.
  6. Remove saucepan from the heat and beat in eggs and vanilla essence
  7. Thinly slice the banana into 5mm discs. Line the bottom of the pastry with pecans, then a layer of banana and another layer of pecans
  8. Carefully pour chocolate mixture into the pastry case and bake for 50-60 mins or until the filling is set
  9. Leave it in the tin to cool for 10 mins before serving.

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